
October 30, 2016


Earth, catch taken from space simulator spaceengine 
Earth is the third nearest planet to the Sun and is the largest terrestrial planet (The largest of the planets composed primarily of silicate rocks or metal), its name comes from Terra, the ancient Roman goddess. This is the planet we inhabit.

Earth has a mass of 1 M⊕ (5.97×10^24 kg) and a diameter of 1 D⊕ (12742 Km), therefore, it has a density of 5.51 g/cm³ approximately,

Earth is a terrestrial planet, located between Venus and Mars in its surface it has a gravity of 1 g (9.8 m/s²) and has 1 natural Satellite its name is Moon.

The surface temperature is of 15 °C approximately (The maximum temperature is 56.7 °C and the minimum is -89.2 °C), in the International System this amount to 184 K (Minimum), 288 K (Mean) and 330 K (Maximum).

the earth is made up of water in 2/3 of its surface in the rest is rock, ice and metal.
The atmosphere is composed primarily of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon and Carbon Dioxide, and with the sunlight, the atmosphere has a bluish color.

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