
October 30, 2016


Jupiter, catch taken without realist brightness
since SpaceEngine.
Jupiter is the fifth nearest planet to the Sun (Disregarding dwarf planets), and the largest planet of the Solar System. its names comes from the Greek deity Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology) this planet like Saturn has rings, but it has very few rings so that almost cannot be seen.

Jupiter is a Cold Gas Giant, located between Ceres (Dwarf Planet) and Saturn, its mass is 317,8 M⊕ (317 times the mass of the Earth), and it has a diameter of 139822 km, therefore, its density is 1.33 g/cm³ so it's one of the planets with lower density.

Jupiter is formed mainly from hydrogen and Helium, it doesn't have a solid surface defined, and its atmospheric pressure is 1x10 (exponent 6) atm, that is to say, 1 million times the atmospheric pressure on earth.

Jupiter has 63 natural satellites, but the largest are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, Ganymede is the largest Satellite of Jupiter and the largest satellite in the Solar Sistem, its diameter is 5262 Km, and it is larger than Mercury.

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