
October 31, 2016


Uranus and Uranus V (Natural satellite), catch without
realist brightness taken since SpaceEngine.
Uranus is the seventh nearest planet to the Sun (Disregarding Dwarf planets) and the third largest planet in the Solar system. Its name comes from the Greek deity Uranus (Caelus in the Roman mythology).

This planet has a mass of 8.681 × 10^25 kg (14,54 M⊕) and a diameter of 51118 km (4.0073 D⊕) (its diameter is 4 times higher than the Earth), therefore, it has a density of 1,27 g/cm³.

 Uranus is a Frozen Ice Giant, located between Saturn and Neptune, its semimajor axis is 19.19 AU (19 times farther from the Sun than Earth), its orbital period is 84.01 years and its rotation period is 17 hours with 14 minutes. It is the planet in the solar system with highest axial tilt (98°) so than its rotation is very strange

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