
October 31, 2016


Mars and Phobos (Dwarf moon), catch taken
since SpaceEngine.
Mars is the fourth nearest planet to the Sun, and is the Second smallest (Disregarding Dwarf planets). Its name comes from the roman deity Mars.

Mars is a terrestrial planet (Cool Desert), located between Earth and Ceres (Dwarf planet), it has a mass of 0,107 M⊕ (6.39 × 10^23 kg) and it has a diameter of 6779 km approximately (It has half the diameter of Earth), therefore its density is 3.93 g/cm³.

It has a semimajor axis of 1.52 AU (1.52 times farther than the Earth to the Sun, so it has a lower temperature (-48.232 °C) with a Greenhouse effect of 5°C.

This planet has 2 dwarf moons, these are: Phobos and Deimos, in its surface Mars has a gravity of  0.37902 g (3.711 m/s²), its gravity is 3 times less than the Earth (Approximately).

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