
October 20, 2016


Saturn is the sixth nearest planet in the solar system (Disregarding dwarf planets).And the second largest, surpassed only by Jupiter. Its name comes from the Greek deity Chronos (Saturn in Roman mythology) and because of its huge layer of rings is the most striking planet in the Solar System.

Saturn's Capture take without realist brightness from Space Simulator SpaceEngine.
Saturn is a Gas Giant Planet, located Between Jupiter and Neptune, it has a mass of  95,16 M⊕ (95 times the mass of the Earth), and a diameter of 116464 km,  however it is a planet with very low density (687 kg/m³ or 0,687 g/cm³), Saturn is less dense than water.

Saturn has 31 natural satellites, but the largest are Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan and Lapetus. Titan is the largest satellite of Saturn, and the second largest satellite in the solar Sistem, its diameter is about half the diameter of the earth.
Saturn rings rotate at a speed of 48000 km/h and are made up of rocks and particles are trapped by the planet's gravity.

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