
October 30, 2016


Mercury, catch taken since SpaceEngine.
Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun, and is the smallest planet in the Solar System (Disregarding Dwarf planets), it's smaller than Titan and Ganymede (The largest natural satellites). Its name comes from the roman deity Mercury.

Mercury is a terrestrial planet (Hot selena), its mass is 0,055 M⊕ (3,285×10^23 kg) and it has a diameter of 4879 km, therefore its density is 5.43 g/cm³ so that it is the second planet with highest density in the Solar System.

It doesn't  has  atmosphere, so the heat from the Sun isn't retained, Mercury's surface temperature at the night is -173 °C and at the day is 427 °C Approximately, in the day it's the second  hottest planet in the Solar System.

This planet doesn't has natural Satellite, revolves around the Sun in 87.95 days and its rotation period is 58.646 days (2:3), therefore it has a solar day of 176.015 days.

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