
October 29, 2016

White Dwarf (Star)

White Dwarf captured since space simulator SpaceEngine.
A White Dwarf is a kind of "Compact star", it is formed by main sequence Star whit a similar mass to the Sun (Yellow Dwarf).
White Dwarf is a object with stellar mass and with a similar diameter of a terrestrial planet, therefore, it's a object very dense and its gravitational field is very strong.

White Dwarfs are among the most abundant stars, are part of the life cycle of a star of less than 10 solar masses. They consist of stars that have merged all its hydrogen atoms in their life cycle, and cannot make further thermonuclear mergers that allows them to release energy as light and heat, then they cooled and the pressure gas isn't enough to keep all the mass of the star and this begins to collapse under its own weight, the matter of the star is compressed so that this reaches similar size to earth but with the mass of a star.
Life cycle of a dwarf star and a massive star.

Sirius B, The closest white dwarf captured with SpaceEngine:

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