
October 31, 2016


Neptune and four dwarf moons, catch without realist
brightness taken since SpaceEngine.
Neptune is the 8th nearest planet to the Sun, and is the farthest planet (Disregarding Dwarf planets), also it is the fourth largest planet in the solar system (The smallest planet Giant gas). Its name comes from the roman deity Neptune, this planet is known for its blue color.

Neptune is a Frozen ice Giant, located between Uranus and Pluto (Dwarf Planet), however as the orbit of Pluto is very eccentric, Pluto is closer the Sun than Neptune during 20 years (of the 248 years that Pluto uses for complete its orbital period).

This planet has a orbital period of 164.79 years and the solar day is 16 hours with 6 minutes. Its mass is 17.15 M⊕ (1.024 × 10^26 kg) and it has a diameter of 49244 km, therefore, it has a density of 1,64 g/cm³.

It has a atmosphere pressure of 9.93 × 10^4 atm and it's composed by Hydrogen, helium and Methane.

Neptune has 14 natural satellites, the most largest is Triton and it is the only large satellite in the Solar System with a retrograde orbit.

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